My name is Anthony D. Paul and I help brands alleviate pains in their digital products to give people joy in each interaction. I’m also told I’m a pretty fun dude.
Research and designing great user experiences are my passions. Also making hot sauce.
I’m an observer—watching users in their natural habitat, asking those “5 whys”, getting to the root of organizational needs, and sniffing out pain points.
I’m a translator—communicating complex ideas with friendly diagrams, illustrating value to decision-makers, and bringing teams to shared understanding.
I bring ideas to life—organizing group sketching studios, building proof-of-concept prototypes, or committing production code to an atomic UI library repo.
I insert the user voice—conducting formative research to see opportunities, and summative feedback via surveys, moderated lab tests, or group play tests.
I’ve helped commercial, nonprofit, and government—organizations large and small.
Sometimes I blog, but more often I share in person at conferences and meetups—find me and say hello!
To grab slides, videos, and more from my past talks: